It is common to argue that as long as your mind, or your soul remains the be you, it doesn't matter that your body is renewed, especially when everything functions the same as it did. However, the presupposition of this assertion is the constant of your mind. It is possible that your worldview and morality remain the same, but things in your brains like information, logic, way of thinking, emotion would have undergone radical transformation every year.
This is especially true for students in middle school who are growing rapidly in terms of knowledge, emotion, even morality and worldview. It is not exaggerating that they become different people in a year in the most blooming time.
I can not really understand my thoughts and feelings few years ago. Not only because I have a different point of view, but also I don't particularly remember the old days. If I could talk to younger me, we would probably quarrel with each other. I do things that he would find it immoral, while I think he was stupid.
If so, it is important to keep diary, in order to compare different me in different time so that I can know how I become who I am now.
A funny thing for this: sometimes it feels like I have only lived for a year, since my past was lived out by another me who just left a piece of vague memory in my mind.